Supporting Brosko Fitness ERP system


A female chain fitness club is developing by a franchising model and located in 12 cities of Russia and CIS.


A chain fitness club required technical assistance from the ERP system. We’ve done troubleshooting and developed additional features.

Accessibility setup

Some Brosko Fitness clubs are controlled by franchisees.

Previously, franchisees’ managers could not control prices and shares from their side or provide the required reports. The head office had to be contacted in case of any issue.

We improved access systems in the ERP system. Now, franchisees’ managers can select the required access parameters when creating an account.

Attendance record

We configured the attendance record to:

  • arrange sales,
  • control the gym workload,
  • estimate the club manager’s work,
  • estimate the coach’s popularity,
  • work with current clients.

This report may be generated for the selected club, period, and coach. The information about the number of people registered in the club, respective period of time, coaches, and administrator associated with their registration.

Financial report

When buying a subscription, a client pays for a specific number of workouts in advance. The financial report is indicative of the revenue sum and the count of the workouts to be provided to the client.

Changes in physique

Every month, clients have their bodies measured to starkly illustrate the training result. To control these measurements, we developed a report to track the data of each client of the club and check if the club employees remember to measure every client.

Preventive measures against Covid-19

During the pandemic, club administrators are fined in case they fail to follow the preventive measures.

Before group exercises, the visitors shall fill in the questionnaire form to confirm that they have no fever or other ARVI symptoms. No registration for training is possible otherwise.

The resulting data shall be printed out and signed by the clients before the group training. This enables meeting the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor.

Technology stack Yii1 PHP 5.6 MySQL