The mobile version and optimization of the PM website

PM website

The “PM” online furniture and homeware hypermarket is one of the TOP 10 Russian furniture retailers. Its own store chain in 150+ regions provides a catalog of nearly 25000 good items.

PM website


Coding a new mobile version and speeding up the online store operation.

Mobile Website Version

The mobile version is provided as a separate website. Its navigation menu and other design elements are fully adapted to the needs of the mobile users. Adoption of the new mobile version improved the website speed and conversion.

Speeding up the website operation

The website is transferred from PHP 5.6 to a faster PHP 7.2 version. This required ActiveRecord and Twig version upgrade and changes in the operation of some system components.

We closely collaborated with the customer's technical team when doing this job. Our common efforts resulted in twice the same speed and much lower server load.

Technology stack PHP 5.6 PHP 7.2 ActiveRecord Twig MySQL