Kalinov Rodnik

Kalinov Rodnik

Natural water and drinks delivery service.

Kalinov Rodnik

Kalinov Rodnik is one of the most successful Russian FMCG brands. Their mineral water, lemonades, tea, and sports drinks are easily found in every store. The company's website provides prompt delivery of products to home and office – and that is exactly what our team is working on.

We have started technical support for the previous version of the site. It was developed by another agency. So, the site had significant technical debt.

For 2 years we have carried out a lot of technical improvements of varying complexity. The changes affected both the public and internal parts of the site.


To identify all the problem areas, we conducted a functional audit. This made it possible to notice vulnerabilities and solve technical shortcomings affecting work efficiency. First of all, we have made significant changes to the mobile version layout.

Online store web development requires attention to detail and successful integration of all marketing offers. So, we have set up a brand loyalty system and automatic accrual of bonus points. And at the request of the company, introduced free shipping from a certain amount – now the buyer immediately finds out about it when placing an order.

Customer usability

Logging by email was not completely convenient for most users. We offered them to log in via SMS and set up the necessary functionality. Now, this method is the most popular among site users.

Working in a personal account now is more convenient regardless of the device. Here you can quickly find out about the status of your order, delivery, as well as all purchases and the total number of purchased goods.

Manager’s usability

Finally, the effective operation of an online store is impossible without a quick response to orders. We have integrated user purchases with the Loymax platform. It has become easier to track and analyze orders: divide customers into segments, work with abandoned shopping carts as well as plan promotions and mailings.

Together with Loymax, we analyzed the user base: removed fake registrations without contact details and a single login to the account. This is a necessary task so that the statistics on the site and the customer base are the most correct.

Since most of the errors were fixed and the functional side was improved, we have been continuing its technical support. We make operational changes, set up promotions, and develop new functions. What is more, we have developed an API for the brand's mobile app – soon buying your favorite water will be even more convenient.

Miroshnichenko Vera Anatolyevna
Head of e-commerce department
I cannot help but note one of the advantages of the team's work: when evaluating a new task, the guys take into account possible risks to the project and offer several solutions, sharing their expertise and providing recommendations. I want to express my gratitude for the team's involvement in the project and hope for further productive cooperation in working with the website.
Technology stack 1C-Bitrix: Site Management 20.700.0 Business Edition